Interventional Radiology: Image Guided Surgery: Pin Hole Surgery

Interventional radiology is being practiced since many years but newer advances has taken this branch to higher level where it has replaced many complex surgeries and also has been a helping hand to surgeons and physicians.
It is a medical sub specialty wherein image guided surgeries are performed for diagnosis and treatment.
As the inventors of angioplasty and the catheter-delivered stent, interventional radiologists pioneered modern minimally invasive medicine.
The unifying concept behind these procedures is the application of image guidance and minimally invasive techniques in order to minimize risk to the patient.
Using X-rays, CT, ultrasound, MRI, and other imaging modalities, interventional radiologists obtain images which are then used to direct interventional instruments throughout the body. These procedures are usually performed using needles and narrow tubes called catheters, rather than by making large incisions into the body as in traditional surgery.
Many conditions that once required open surgery can now be treated non-surgically by interventional radiologists. By minimizing the physical trauma to the patient, non-surgical interventions can minimize pain, reduce infection rates and recovery time, and shorten hospital stays.